Opinions on painting transmission

All looks like a big fat waste of time to me. Grind the casting flash off? Really? Just another hour of your life you'll never get back.

I mean really, how many miles do you guys drive? How many of you even still drive in the rain? A freshly rebuilt automatic transmission should go 100k miles unless it's in a race car. And if it's in a race car it won't be there long enough to get dirty. So more than likely if you install a fresh rebuilt transmission you'll either never see it again or it will still be clean when you do.

I mean sure, they look nice. But why waste the time? If you have to rebuild it again, it takes 5 minutes to pressure wash one. Chrome don't get you home.

I remove the casting flash and imperfections, glass bead the case and then paint with high heat engine enamel clear. They look awesome and are easy to clean up. I try to keep things as stock looking as possible.

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This is funny. There isn't one stock thing about doing any of that. If you're trying to keep it stock looking, you shouldn't touch the outside beyond cleaning it. That like all the "factory restorations" that have 100% top coat paint coverage on the bottom of the car. Uh, yeah, they never did that.