Traction Control Needed...
The track was perfect. The weather was perfect. Getting there wasn't nearly as bad this time. But the Scamp kept running out of fuel.
The numbers:
- Item Last Time This Time
- 60': 2.393 2.211
- 330': 6.565 6.077
It would run out of gas between 330' & 1/8 E.T.
- 1/8 E.T.: 9.911 9.596
- 1/8 Trap: 74.07 67.17
- 1000': 12.730 Let Off
- 1/4 E.T.: 15.070 Let Off
- 1/4 Trap: 96.83 Let Off
Even out of gas I beat last time's 1/8th of a mile. I heard lots of diagnosis. Here are the facts. There was little tire spin on the line as I had practiced a bit. Some said, "I bet you're boiling your gas in the bowl." But I didn't agree. Because if that were the issue, it would have launched horribly and possibly ran better at the end of the track (as the air through the carb cooled the carb as it went down the track). Lots of other crappy diagnosis too. But what I think is...
It was simply running the float bowl empty. It was very consistent when it would run out. It was in the 6 to 7 seconds when it would run out. And my AFR gauge would tell the story. Perfect AFRs, until it ran out. And because it would hit like 19 and 20 AFR, I would just back out of it. After a couple throttle pumps it would run hard again (collecting some fuel in the bowl). But since each run was screwed up, I would just putter across the line. I'm going to start a new thread in order to learn about what kind of fuel pump in which to replace my current mechanical fuel pump.
I cut it off after 5 runs because I didn't want to break anything. And, believe it or not, even at Atlanta Dragway, where you'd think there would be really great drivers, more than 50% of the street drivers had no idea what they were doing. I beat every single car up to the point where the Scamp would run out of fuel. Even faster cars. They'd just sit on the line, see the light turn green, check their emails, scratch their ***, and then they'd go. And those guys would slam through both stage lights, deep stage and red light continuous. Or be a car length away from the lights and barely move. The track operators were getting fed up with it. They could not understand how I could beat them. I would really really shallow stage and just GO on the 3rd yellow. Very easy. It was fun … for about 300 feet worth. :D