Stop in for a cup of coffee

cool and wet here all day be lucky to break 65. last week was 80;s!

Hey there Ray you guys still soggy out there?

It was was able to cut the grass!
Yep, I cut most of ours the other day and then the Mrs did the whole thing a couple days later. Of course with all this rain it will need it again as soon as its dry enough to cut. I cleaned the mower deck out with a scraper yesterday. What a mess, Filled a 5 gal bucket and then some.
I'm sitting here wondering what that crazy banging noise i am hearing. It's the marching band practicing at the High School a mile away.
Don't think our kids ever had early morning practice.
The good ole USPS has got me F’n PO’d!
PO = Post Office ?
Wow!! I swear shipping companies do this stuff on purpose. End of July I ordered a bumper for my jeep. It came in via ups two days later completely mangled, missing parts and dent/scraped beyond use. Returned it, the company I ordered from sent me a new one, two day shipping was arranged again. It took 3 weeks to get it. It went from Harrisburg PA to Louisville, ky to Columbus Ohio, to Indianapolis, to Columbus indiana(23 miles from my house) to Louisville, back to harrisburg and then to New Jersey and then back to Columbus Indiana, then finally delivered...
With all those miles is it a used bumper now?
I don't know what size he got. I would want it for an angle grinder. 3" would be for a cutoff tool..

Good Morning