Weird tips and tricks

I have a few.
-Want to clean grimy wiring, rubber body plugs etc?
Take an old pillow case and put 'em in and tie a knot in it.
Go to the laundromat and use the ''work clothes only'' washer and put in your favorite detergent and wash it.
The parts will come out as new, and will cost you a buck or two. Don't use it in your own washing machine!
-Have a stubborn crank bolt on your engine and you are trying to get it out in the car? (timing chain change etc.)
Get a 1/2'' or 3/4'' breaker bar with the right sized socket and a length of pipe and secure to the ground under the car.
Turn the engine over with the starter and it will loosen right off.
-When you are removing bolts (especially body bolts) if the bolt starts turning tight, turn it back on a bit and loosen more.
Go back and forth as many times as needed, and eventually it will come off without twisting it off.
-Removing a bearing cup out of a casting and don't need to save it?
Run a bead of weld on the bearing surface of the cup and wait a couple of minutes, and it'll shrink and be easy to remove.
-Remember, heat is your friend when removing stubborn bolts!
Always heat on the casting where the threads surround, not the bolt or stud itself if at all possible.
Again, let it cool off for a minute or so, and it should twist right out.
If not, retry until it does. The idea is that when the casting is heated, it expands and breaks the rust, locktite etc. free and also gives the the hole slightly more size to allow the bolt to turn inside.
-When installing rods onto a crank, use a few inches of vacuum hose on the threads of the bolts to keep from scoring the crank.
-Need to jump start an old car and don't have enough cable for both positive and negative connections?
If the cars have steel bumpers, drive the booster car so that the bumpers are touching.
Hook up the positive cables and start.
The bumpers touching provides the ground. (make sure that the bumpers are touching each other well, or they may arc destroying the chrome on both cars).

And finally i know this from personal experience............
Barrel roll your '70 Dart 4 door in the ditch two times at 60 mph after hitting some black ice in the winter?
The car starts, runs, and drives flawlessly, but you have no windshield? (And it's 10 below)
Drive the car slowly and freeze your butt off.
Orrrrrrrr...........Drive at 50 mph or so and the wind skips off the hood and it's not caught by the huge air scoop that you have created.
It actually was so calm in there that i could light a cigarette.
Obviously, it's not safe to do this, but when you are several miles from civilization, and are freezing to death, desperate times call for desperate measures................
True story, no ****...............