Stop in for a cup of coffee

Pretty funny post in the Weird Tricks thread

And finally i know this from personal experience............
Barrel roll your '70 Dart 4 door in the ditch two times at 60 mph after hitting some black ice in the winter?
The car starts, runs, and drives flawlessly, but you have no windshield? (And it's 10 below)
Drive the car slowly and freeze your butt off.
Orrrrrrrr...........Drive at 50 mph or so and the wind skips off the hood and it's not caught by the huge air scoop that you have created.
It actually was so calm in there that i could light a cigarette.
Obviously, it's not safe to do this, but when you are several miles from civilization, and are freezing to death, desperate times call for desperate measures................
True story, no ****...............