Is it LEGAL????

Glad to be of help.

Some are here to learn, some to help & some of both.

Others appear to be here to crack jokes, accuse or call names.

In any case, their behavior identifies them.
I think in the short time I have spent here I have associated with every(type) that you listed.... yeah much more here of the good quality to overshadow the bad ones.... but dang how they can get me going... when reading a post u showed me i saw something that caught my eye i had to reread 3 times and also copied it and saved it cause it sooooo wanna me weaknesses - argue with idiots tooo often.... here is what his saying is:

Never, ever argue with an IDIOT. They will drag you to their level and then beat you with their years of experience

OMG! If I learned nothing from that thread... this was priceless... gonna make a BIG COPY of this for me Garage wall...same wall (I HOPE TO) get pictures of every car I sold a part that it went on. I might be kinda korny but thought it be cool to have a wall full of cool old mopars that - all had a part that i once owned on it. Just me but thought that be cool