Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well my sister is not really a good person, BUT she is my sister, and her kids are in dire need.....
I get it man. Kids are my weakness. I'm more likely to go out of my way to help kids than anyone else.

I have been keeping this story to myself. Haven't even told my wife.

A couple weeks back, when I was in Florida, i stopped at the nearby dollar store to get a couple cookie sheets for the condo. I went to the check out and there was a young lady, just a couple years younger then me with her daughter, who looked to be about maybe 2? Anyway, she was buying food, diapers and milk. etc. Her daughter kept trying to get this little Minney Mouse outfit that was on clearance for a couple bucks near the register. Her mom kept telling her no, that she couldn't afford it. So anyway, a few minutes pass, the cashier kept trying to swipe the lady's card, it kept getting declined. The lady then tried her EBT card, saying she knew it was close to out and wasnt scheduled to be refilled until 3 days later. It got declined too. As the cashier and the lady stood there, I decided to pay for the entire order. I thought both the lady and the cashier would fall over, the old lady behind be just started openly crying. It was a total of barely 25 bucks. And I even spotted the little girl the Minney hat. I don't know why I did it, just felt right. The lady didn't look like a druggie, didn't have a smart phone, looked like an old flip phone on her hip, the car was maybe 15 years old, decent shape and clean. The little girl looked healthy and clean. So I just felt she was worthy of such a little, tiny gesture. Anyway, she met me outside, just balling. Crying her heart out while thanking me. She asked why I did it, I simply said it was for the little girl. Told her to take good care of her, and then I got in the car and left.

Kids just melt me.