My Duster was stolen

For those who choose to bash me here, you do not know the circumstances of what I was dealing with at the time I left North Carolina. My wife had died in April 2016 and I was not doing well emotionally with her loss and was in fact considering suicide and tried twice to kill myself between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2016. My daughter (Not Step Daughter) had graduated and moved out of the house and away with her boyfriend who enlisted in the US Army. I was in a home all alone surrounded by memories of my life which to me was ripped apart from loss. I had barely any income and was in danger of losing my rental home and decided to let the house go and relocate as far away as possible to start my life over. I tried to sell my vehicles and did not have much time to get this done and after talking with my step daughter who lived in Selma NC, she assured me she would keep my vehicles at her home until I could arrange selling or shipping or whatever. Well this did not happen. My bad for trusting a family member. Please do not cast stones at me for the decisions I made at that time. I was not really in a very good place mentally and hindsight is 20/20. Sorry I have been off FABO so long but I cannot even look at any classic car anymore, I just get depressed and disgusted over what I did and the decisions I should have made and/or made the wrong ones. Bottom line is I do not have my only thing besides my Wife and Daughter that had any real meaning left to me any longer and I probably will regret this until the day I die. Please do not say anything if you have not walked a mile in my shoes. To those who have been supportive, I know who you are and I truly appreciate your friendship and kind words. Thank You very much.

no need to explain anything I hope your doing better now and I really hope you get your car back.