Stop in for a cup of coffee

Tell you what I'll trade you. Come deal with this family drama bs and I'll work with your employers,

why are people generally assholes?!
Because they are specifically assholes.

Self centered and in-compassionate. They only care about themselves and care nothing about others...despite what they claim.

Most can’t even answer a simple question without imposing themselves on it and fail to answer what was asked while they give their opinions about the circumstance instead.

A hungry man asks for nothing but something to eat and yet most only give him advice on his circumstance, failing to give him what he asked for.

They feel satisfied in thinking they having done something to help him...and yet, he goes away, still hungry and without food.

People mostly just think their reality is everyone else’s...and believe others are just characters in their reality to be manipulated and shaped to their own perspective.

It’s called a lack of respect for others, and a failure to understand they are just as entitled to their life as you are to your own.