Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got a situation going on that I want to see what you all think:

I need some advice on how I should handle a ticket that I have been sent in the mail. It's from Sep 11, 2018 for not having a village sticker on a 99 Jeep. I sold that Jeep last winter.

The ticked did have my license plate number that I had the Jeep registered to, but my son has a picture showing that plate expired in 11-16 and we didn't renew it as it broke down and we had trouble getting it fixed. We finally gave up and cut our losses and sold it. I'm wondering if the buyer sent in the registration or not and if we forgot to take our plate off of it when we sold it. we usually remove our plates so this would have been an oversight on our part. But it that is true, why isn't there a ticket for an expired plate?

My son and I just drove to the address where the ticket was from and looked for the Jeep and license plate and neither was there. I may check a few more times to see if they show up. If they do, how should I go about getting my license plate back, just take it or call the local police and let them know what is going on?

What do you guys and gals think????
Go down to the village police and explain you sold it two years ago. Tell them who you sold it to and suggest they go after that person.
In the mean time tell your story and report your old tag/sticker lost or stolen with the local police.