Why is it that it's always 1 out of 4 bolts has to be a pain in the ***?

Tearing down my Dart parts car, have the inner front clip almost ready to be cleaned up, and a few rough spots to be fixed. Pulling the upper control arms, first 3 tap right out.. the fourth took me two hours... damn thing turns.. jack under the lower going up and down.. melted out the rubber bushings.. finally got it out far enough to get an air chisel on the cam and rattle it out.. argh.
Dropping the k-frame... 3 spin right out. I put them back in far enough so there's no pressure on the fourth one... 1/2 inch air wrench spins it out half a turn.. then says 'no way guy!'. Another hour of propane torch, squirting lube, air wrench in and out... finally spins out.
Always seems to be the last one... like 'you thought this would be easy, didn't ya!'
I'm thinking Karma has to be involved somehow, but I'll be damned if I know what it's from. Probably an ex-girlfriend, but Karma needs to give a better sign :)

Like they say, "If it has tits or wheels, it will give you problems"... :D :steering: