Buyer Beware - Rick Ehrenberg
in general: you hone it for what ever rings your going to run.
use the oil the ring mfg says or you get what you get. don't know what's in it? tear it down
example: "ImPo RTan T n o TIc e: • If using Hypereutectic Pistons, follow piston manufacturers ring end gap specifications. • Quickseat® is the recommended cylinder wall lubricant for ring installation. Piston skirts should be lightly lubricated with AL-4 or engine oil. Remember excessive or improper lubricating of the rings may prevent them from sealing. •
During engine break-in, use petroleum based motor oils only. Synthetic oils may be used after break-in cycle is complete. • Total Seal does not recommend hard chromed compression or hard chromed oil rings be installed in chromed or nickel coated cylinders. For these applications call for recommendations."