Buyer Beware - Rick Ehrenberg

I don't think anyone will ever know exactly what led up to those terrible cylinder walls.

The following is a segment from the posted email:
"So he decides to break it in with synthetic oil, and, no surprise, the rings don't seat. Then started a long email chain; he had this so-called engine builder pull it apart, and he sent me an e-mail, which I have, where he said everything looked perfect inside. .......

Months later, actually over a year, he sends another email, now the cylinder walls are suddenly rusty. Huh? And the block needs to be sleeved?"
With this, if we are to believe Ricks words, the engine looked fine at time of purchase and after teardown. After sitting for over a year unassembled, the bores developed rust pitting.
How is that in any way the fault of the seller?
Forget for a moment any other evidence, forget my opinions, etc....Just consider this one bit of info. Who is liable for damages this long after a sale and after disassembly? Is a seller supposed to provide "cradle to grave" support no matter how much a buyer modifies, alters or neglects an item?