So how could it be your strong point and biggest flaw? That's contradictory. Right there is a mistake. Maybe you should quit nitpicking over spelling OR pack it up and head over th the "hooked on phonics" forum?? Corn is not spelled Kern either.....
It does take a little intelligence to see how something can be both bad in some ways yet good in others. Maybe you just don't get it. I'll explain it better so you might understand.....
Spotting mistakes is what makes me good at my job and reasonably competent as a car guy. I am a Carpenter by trade and if I didn't have a keen eye for seeing flaws, small mistakes can become really big ones.....Costly ones. Regarding cars, I sometimes do body and paint work. Spotting mistakes there helps ensure a better finished product. Those two instances are examples of that trait being a strong point. Now, regarding it ALSO being my biggest flaw, by that I mean that I can't always turn it OFF. I see mistakes everywhere. I have been at someones house and can see a crooked doorway, I can feel when a floor is out of level and I can spot a piece of siding that is wavy because the studs underneath are not straight. I see grammar mistakes and they just stand out as if they are in boldface type.
Finally...."Kern Dog" is a play on words. My last name is Kern.