Stop in for a cup of coffee

Chess Club was a great place to do lunch in HS. Kept me out of the extreme seasons we had in the desert :rofl:

In fourth grade my schoolclass won an chesscompetition among all other fourth graders in Stockholm,(obviously not my fault that the class won),went to chessschool a couple nights every week for a year or so after that,learnt alot that i have forgoten nowadays but it was fun:)

I can play, but never did enough to really learn much strategy. I guess I think a couple moves ahead. The 'masters' can see the entire game and how it changes after each move. :realcrazy:

Se my above post,have played against some way above average players and it was a real wakeup moment everytime i played against the real good ones,since after them outplaying me like i wasnt even there they would always put back all the pieces and go over the whole game with me and tell me what their plan was and what i did and what they did to correct their game around my misserable atempts at defending against their superious gameplaning..

Most jap metrics use a finer pitch.

There is fine and coarse threads in metric just like with the imperial system:)