The World Mopar court is about to hand down a verdict, a clear case of BULLSHIT.
You have a problem with a purchase, take it up in person with the seller, keep it off the web.
I've heard enough and I rest .
All he needs is a hone and pistons, chances are he can lighten the next size up like I've done a million times.
But I would never pay 4k for a 340 rebuilt stock, I can do those for about 2700..
So a big fkn X back at ya!!
Ps anyone carrying a "guru" title can kiss a lawn apple while in mid decent from a horses ***. There are a TON of people I know who make that guy look like cooter , a lot of them on here. I'm not impressed and i dont give a damn if you dont like my opinion of the guy.
Now hit the delete on this piss match and send this op to small claims already.