Supercuda's on the way back...after18 years!

So.. after 18 years I finally got the opportunity get some pics cruising with my brother. That's his 2007 Shelby GT 500, 690 hp.

We did a fairly long drive and I am very satisfied at how I was able to stay with him , especially in the twisties. The Cuda handles extremely well and I had no problem staying with him except for the straights where his 6 speed tremec took over. My 4-speed and 391's were no match there. As well, can't come close to his fuel mileage. The positives for me? My car sounds much better ..real deep mopar rumble and.. there are very few Cuda's like mine around so I get a lot more head swings!!

The building in the background in where we both started school so I thought it would make a great background.

Hope you like the pics!

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