Best hydraulic flat tappet lifter?

A friend showed up one day with a fresh 440 he had another shop build for him, a pretty hot engine. He asked me if I thought his new hydraulic lifters should be this noisy. I said to him as we stood afar off; are you sure they installed hydraulics?, cuz it sounds to me like all 16 are very unhappily clattering away. No,he said, and showed me a receipt for the cam-kit. Well I said you better take it back to the builder and have them check it out, cuz that ain't right.
Can't you just reset the lash? he asked. No I said that clatter is waaaay past relashing.
So he comes back a couple of weeks later, and it turns out, you guessed it, the cam had been toasted. They replaced that flatted FTH, with a Solid roller and now it was singing a new song.
He thought that big 68 GTX was pretty fast,and being old-school he wanted to race me. No, I said with that TC you got in there you don't stand a chance. So he comes back a week later with a 3200 he says. And wants to race, again.No says me, not with those tires, you don't stand a chance.
So one day, he comes back again with the biggest tallest street meats that fit in the stock tubs, and wants to race again.No says me not with those pussy springs back there, you don't stand a chance.
So he goes to visit his brother in Alberta who owns one of the fastest Buick GrandNationals in the world (says he), and those two cowboys find a deserted road and go at it. Of course the GN thoroughly kicks his azz,time after time, and now he's back with a long face, asking what he should do.
So he and I have been friends for a couple of years, so I tell him the truth, those pussy springs gotta go. You need to make a decision is this a street car, or a race car? Well, it's a street car, I just cruise it around up and down mainstreet once a week weather permitting. Well says I then why do you want to race me all the time? Well, I just wanted to see if I could beat my brother's Buick. But now I know I can't; what should I do?
Well says I, you're going up against one of the quickest factory cars of all time..... with raw horsepower, and it's never gonna happen unless you put some serious technology in your suspension; how deep are your pockets?
Well says he, I got two kids in College now.
Well says I, then be content to know you have the Baaadest 440GTX probably in all of Manitoba, and woulda probably kicked my azz last spring,lol.
And we laughed.
What's that got to do with your question?
IDK but I'm old, and old people tell stories.
Great story AJ!