Slant 6 Pedals/ clutch linkage swap
I've been having similar problems in my /6 1964 Val. Seemed to be ok when clutch was new 2 years ago but I started having problems getting in first or reverse. This is the original non-synchro first and reverse 3 speed.
My clutch rod was extended out to the max length to the point where the threaded rod was barely engaging the sleeve on the other end. About 3 weeks ago I obtained some 1/2" o.d. tubing and welded a 1" long hunk on the end of the sleeve and reinstalled. I adjusted for 1" free play at the pedal. It's better but still crunches going into first or reverse while sitting still.
I need to take the inspection cover off the bottom of the bell housing and check departure while someone pushes the pedal in. I'm just not fast enough to push the pedal in and get under the car before it returns by myself.
It's kinda moot now with the end of the driving season and plans for a 4 speed conversion before spring.