Slant 6 Pedals/ clutch linkage swap
That 9.5 was designed for up to about 300 ftlbs, and You know a 5.2 Magnum makes that probably by 3200 rpm, probably less.Anyway, that 9.5clutch and the short-arm pedal are a match , therefore, you shouldn't have to mod it to the aforementioned 6inch pin-to-pin measurement.
Instead, look to the fork-travel, that it isn't hitting the rear of the window.
And also to the Z-bar orientation; that it is installed parallel to the ground and at right angle to the centerline of the car. And that at the transmission end, it parks far enough forward that it will pass thru plumb at about half-de-clutched. And that the adjuster-link, also at half-travel, is about parallel to the ground.
If your install hits all these marks, and your disc is known not to be warped, and the engine mounts are known to be not-torn.Then
you will have to actually measure the clutch departure. You need to have at least .080. If you do not have the minimum .080 departure, now is the time to mod the pedal
But if you do have the .080 minimum, then:
It may be that the clutch is dragging from; an out-of-alignment bellhouse, or a tight pilot bushing, or the input shaft is jammed into the back of the crank, or the clutch pedal is not parking properly at the top of it's stroke; Or, I suppose the disc could be in backwards, or hanging up on the splines. Or you inadvertently used the overdrive 5.125 opening bell ,without the ring-spacer, to convert it down to 4.35.
If none of these apply, then IDK.
One other thing IDK, is if the 9.5 takes a 9.5-specific TO bearing. But if you can push the TO up to the clutch fingers with the adjuster rod, then this shouldn't be an issue....... unless the Fork hits the back of the window, before the .080 departure is achieved. If it does, you may be able to get a taller fork pivot to restore the relationship.
I suspect when you installed the V8 bell, that fork pivot was for a 10.5clutch, and you will have to swap it out for the longer/taller one. The proof is in the fork hitting the back of the window, and still not getting the .080 minimum departure. Well the trained eye will see it rightaway, just by looking at the install; at rest, the parked fork will not be all the way forward in the window, nearly touching the bell there.
Man, I just don't know how my posts always get to be so long........