Perfectly Normal, Everyday Words That Some Think Are Offensive

Working as a security officer in downtown Los Angeles on the graveyard shift (circa 1984), I called my supervisor to inform him there was a woman in the lobby that was requesting entrance to one of the two (closed) 52 story buildings (yes, LA has it's own "twin towers" but only half as tall as those that fell in New York City).

He ended up chewing my *** off, and told me to never refer to a "lady" as a "woman" again. And all this time, I thought a male human being was a "man", and a female human being was a "woman". Silly me.

What brought this to mind was today's article (MSN) on the Queen of England, who uses the term "in the family way" because she regards the word "pregnant" as vulgar.

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I guess The Queen wouldn't care much for "knocked up", "PG", "Bun in the oven", "The rabbit died", slipped one past the goalie, "baby bump" or Prego?????????????