NASON Epoxy Primer/POR-15 Questions

Once I get the girl back on the rotisserie and finalize some bottom welding and clean up I p!an to spray the whole naked body with the 2 part coating.

Once that's done i will begin the body work and know I must scuff accordingly.

My real question is that on the bottom and inside, will I need to scuff the primer before I put a coating of POR? My plan is to POR the bottom and complete inside before procedind to body work.

I also plan to.paint the door jams, inside doors and the lower side of the hood and deck lid before final.paint!

Is what I have said here correct?

This body **** hurts my head!
If body is media blasted, prime with epoxy immediately if the blaster doesn't do it. If it's bare metal, DA with 80 grit for good tooth. 80 grit is fine and if going over bare metal it
won't shrink and come back with sanding scratches which is likely if priming over paint. Make sure you de-grease good before applying any top coat. POR 15 is not designed for
coating over media blasted metal. It is designed to go over cleaned rusted areas. If you are doing the work yourself, it might be beneficial to do a panel at a time, so you don't
get a lot of bare metal exposed at one time. As for adhesion, everywhere paint is applied the area needs to be sanded/scuffed. Not sanding/scuffing any substrate is how paint
flakes. Attention to detail is key.