Perfectly Normal, Everyday Words That Some Think Are Offensive

The word “****” goes back as early as the emperor Caligula though the last known happening of the law which it is actually from comes out of the Great Britain area. I forget the year(s) though, late 1400’s I think, around the time of William Wallace and Edward Plantagenet, the Earl of Warwick, or so, but, the word **** is actually F.U.C.K. Which stands for Fornication Under the Consultantion of the King.

WTF does that mean you say?

When a couple married way back in the day, you had to have permission to have sex with your wife through the King. You did not have the right. This (in England) applies to non English peoples of the islands we now known as Great Britain.
F#CK the King!!!!!
This law was introduced to “Breed Out” the Irish and others (Scott’s & Welch) as the Crown and the aristocrats of the time saw others as a lesser.

This is documented.

For the Roman Empire times, it was just the emperors power filled ego trip gone hay wire.
Though the word **** was applied since the language & spelling is different between English and Italian.

Failure to adhere to the law could result in death.

Not one of the shining moments in mans history.

But the acronym stuck and was used to be thrown back in the face of opposition to the crown and, well, anybody else that upsets you. Along with Go F yourself, F off, F all of you, etc...

There are also other words to the F.U.CK.

For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
Forbidden Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
(Forbidden to know someone, to know someone is to have had sex with them. Biblical Useage.)
But again, language and spelling

There is also the classic **** from above, permissible only through the King due to/because the advantageous marriages between Royals through out Europe could help keep peace and help families via for position on the world stage.

Now you have to be very careful here to avoid inter breeding as well as who gets placed where for what while forecasting political futures and region stability and plotting the future of your family and its power in the region as well as the world stage.

This is a messy thing. Hard to follow. It must be insane to plot this as well. Just this family plotting for the future and keeping the gene pool from getting corrupt .... Geezzzeee!!!!!