Perfectly Normal, Everyday Words That Some Think Are Offensive

I have never really understood the whole concept behind vulgar language such as profanity. Who decides what is a bad word or not. Is it a sin to say ****? Or ****? I believe in God and try to live right by the commandments I have yet to find in the bible that **** is a bad word where did that come from? Now I was always raised to not curse in front of women and children and elderly folks just because its rude. But who decides what is cursing or not? One word i dont care for is GD. I feel that it is using the lords name in vain. Which is clearly in the bible. But nowadays that word seems to be acceptable for TV a prime time shows. I just dont understand who makes those decisions .

Lewis Black say's "Bad words are for adults to express anger and frustration so that they don't pick up a crowbar and beat the **** out somebody." :D