Stop in for a cup of coffee

Interesting times at work. While I still have no desire to stay with these guys past the end of the year, a large number of things have changed.

The total disaster that began 12 days ago and I took control of, has been slowly coming under control. The CEO now turns to me at every opportunity to seek advice and guidance. Today, he even stepped up and defended my performance and swatted down a few who where expressing concern that we weren’t recovering fast enough or should do something else.

As I have turned total disaster into cupcakes, the CEO and senior management has fallen in behind my lead. I now have them doing the small tasks they they used to try to saddle me with.

Funny how the heat of battle makes the Generals duck for cover and follow the experienced combat veterans to safety.

I have said before how good I am at this...and now they are all believers.

Funny that.