Capacitor Discharge (CD) Ignition?

CDI is the most powerful system out there, and MSD has parlayed it into an extremely useful builder-system, in the racing world.
But for a streeter,IMO,at up to ~1.2 hp/cid,there is nothing wrong with a Kettering Ignition System electronically triggered. And I prefer a magnetic pick-up myself.
Your ignition coil is already correct.If you want to upgrade your coil, I have had excellent results with the Accell Square top SuperCoil. It's pricey, but it will likely be the last coil you will ever buy.
So; all you need is a pick-up and the amp/translator to run it.
Unfortunately that usually means a new distributor with the proper guts in it,and the translator is commonly called an ECU. You can snag these used as they are known to work over a half a million miles. Or you can buy a Kit that includes the wiring you will need.
The magnetic trigger eliminates the points and their associated limitations and maintenance schedule. And that is all it does.
But I gotta tell ya; " if your current ignition lights all of the cylinders all of the time, nothing can be gained by switching to another type of ignition." quote from Smokey Yunich.
"Type"; in this context is referring to Kettering vs CDI.