Slow, Driving Rustoration 1972 Dart

I didn't get the brake lines installed. The left rear brake line wasn't made correctly for the rear tee. So I uncoiled the rest of the brake line just to make sure everything else was right and got the left rear bent into a shape that works. By the time I got that done I wasn't up to fighting rusty fittings at the distribution valve so I decided to pull the rear seat out and work on the seat belt mount rust.


Of course I found the broadcast sheet, YAY! Pulled off the seat belt, mounting plate and all. Then started wirebrushing the wheel well around the seat belt mounting rust hole. I've been using this rust restorer spray on the surface pitting. This is how I left the rust hole tonight. Looks like I may be visiting the local salvage yard and seeing if I can find a seatbelt and mount plate. Then maybe I'll be doing some welding.


I took the back seat into the house and decided to vacuum and clean it up before I store it for a few days...weeks...months. I ordered some fabric and vinyl from SMS for the front seat and some vinyl for the roof eventually. Also ordered some carpet from stock interiors. The fabric will have some fading to do to match the back seat but I'm not too worried about it. The spots that look like stains are where it was still wet from the cleaning.

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This is the replacement carpet sample compared to carpet from the car from under the sill plate. Have I mentioned I don't like plush carpeting?


I will get the brakes done this weekend. It's supposed to be sunny and low 70s this weekend, so I can get out of the tiny garage!