1972 Duster Project - Back From The Pasture

That is the one.
If you're interested we can PM about the subtleties of putting that son of a ***** on dry. We thought we had the perfect plan of of attack, all was going well until about half way down and it skewed off to one side. How, I have no idea because we had that f@cker locked on rails (or at least we thought). After it was all done we were gratful it didn't work because the unmasking would have been another level of stress. Way too much adhesive on the vinyl.
We opted out of the pin stripes weeks ago and went for the full black hood. One less level of brain damage.
Let me know if you know something I don't but I should have went with the old fashioned way from the beginning.

BTW, how many stripes on the stencil? We destroyed ours in a fit of rage ripping it off with out thinking to count them. :rofl:

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21 ladder rungs