Stop in for a cup of coffee

Our team lead got into me yesterday in front of the whole group... I went to the supervisor at the end of the night and told him what happened and he says that the lead guy was wrong and agrees he shouldn't be criticizing people in front of others.... The supervisor is going to yell at the lead guy today for doing that.... THe lead guy is probably going to be a little pissed off, but f*ck him, if he keeps doing that bs, then I will keep climbing the ladder and putting some heat back on him...

Not to mention that I while talking with the shift supervisors, I told them that I would be interested in transferring to another department... We just lost our stager for our department this week as he's going through onboarding training to convert to direct.... Let's see how this guy's department runs with two men down... His attitude is pissing people off...
Good luck with this. Seems like in time you'll end up on top.