Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning @Mattax , I have a long driveway all up hill (Gravel) and I bet folks will look at it and say no way tonight are we taking the kids up that !! :lol:
Just playing with dead end nightmares.
Two years ago our program manager did up the entire entrance and most of the road in camp with pumpkins and haybales. Wish I took some pics. We get no visitors at night except 4 legged ones. The crew made some really great carvings.
Then the best and worst part was watching Friday the 13th.
The town it was filmed at is the closest by road to us.
The camp it was filmed it at is similar to ours (former boy scout camp) on the other side of the ridge and closer to town.
Even though its kindof cartoonish and forumulatic, it was still creepy to think about. LOL