Stop in for a cup of coffee

My rage over this is beyond description. These idiots are among the worst I have ever seen in this business and yet are soooo convinced of their superiority.

I wonder if they will ever realize what happened to them after I am gone and take my 30 years of expertise with me?

The truly sad part is that in the 10 years they have been in business, the only thing they ever did was build off of the work I did at the other company they licensed the base technology to.

I developed the technology, scaled it up and designed and built the custom equipment to make it commercially viable..with zero input from them. I developed 3 drug products from the ground up and took them through the entire process to FDA approval without them having any part of it...and in less than 3 years.

Yet they have claimed my successes as their own and act like they created it all. The only product they ever created used my process, technology and manufacturing equipment to even make it possible. And further, they couldn’t even write the New drug Application for it without me coming on board and doing it for them.

Then, once they were in the final stretches of approval, they decided to get stupid and cost the Company $8 million in milestones because they though they had a better idea.

That little blunder cost me $160K in profit share.

Now, they think I will hang around for crumbs while they place another idiot over me with less experience to manage what I do??

Ummm...**** no.

Kiss my ***.
Doesn't matter what level you are at. There will always be someone willing to go for a free ride on your back as long as you let them. Sounds like it's just a matter of picking the time to throw them off.