You're not.
When did you ever get a bill from the Post Office for home delivery?.

Stop playing the idiot. SOMEBODY is paying for all the home carriers out there wandering around in shorts, driving the funny little trucks. Where do you think that money comes from? You don't think???? that if we just FIRED ALL THE CARRIERS that the PO costs would go down?? Get real here.

"When did I get a bill?" WHEN I PAID MONEY FOR THEM TO DELIVER THAT PACKAGE WITH MY ADDRESS ON THE FRONT. I did not give the shipper the POST OFFICE address. I gave them MY address. That constitutes a CONTRACT. "I am paying you from X to Y"

I ALSO did not specify that the stuff should be broken, missing, mangled beyond believe, wet, or anything else. This is IMPLIED in any business deal which is what this IS..............

I'm glad I wasn't one of YOUR customers...........I hate to think what your attitude must be/ have been towards your PAYING customers.