Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nice. Just sweet. So much better looking than the 66.
What! I missed it!

Guess what showed up in our driveway last night.... :D :poke:
Another winner!!! :D :thumbsup:

He posted while I was getting my post ready...
Have fun with it. Dual tailpipes and the tach already.... I assume he wants it to drive???? maybe some occasional 1/4 mile or ???

That's cause it's ethanol. Smells like corn on the cob or popcorn.
Lets not go there...
Or the arguement about candy corn that erupted on Wait Wait
It was just corny.
I'm sure I could get one open, but would be headed for the scrap metal bucket. lol
I had to do something like that on the jeep's vent control.
Valve was missing - probably done in by eth and friends.
Put a real crimp in my style.:rolleyes:


