Stop in for a cup of coffee

Don't go there. You buy it and you will be responsible for the ground contamination. That's why it has been setting empty for so long.
One of my Parts stores was on a corner in an industrial area. The LPG gas company across the street closed and moved. But I remember seeing a gas pump on the corner of the premis, where they would fuel their trucks. I moved my operation across the street to that building, also on the corner in 1987. Rented it for a while, then decided I wanted to buy the building for myself (10,000) SF. Soooooo... I called the owner one day and told him the EPA was snooping around , about the inground tanks. The following week, he had a crew out there, removing the tank, and the contaminated soil,, LOL. I let one more year pass, then I told him the roof was leaking...Yup...he sent a roofer out there and replaced the entire roof. This guy owned a lot of commercial properties , mostly in DC. Then, after all that was done, I called him a year later, ( 1991 ) and worked out a deal to buy the building from him.....He even took back 80% of the note........:thumbsup: