Stop in for a cup of coffee

Don't go there. You buy it and you will be responsible for the ground contamination. That's why it has been setting empty for so long.

We had an underground diesel tank at the hot plant 20K gallons. The tank tester guy shows up to do his annual test. His test was inconclusive, could not tell if it was or was not leaking. County says uncover it. So we do. When we get it uncovered we find no wet spots, however we find that some time in the 20 years it had been there they had probably driven a loaded Euclid over it and bent the top of the tank a substantial amount. Our engineer has kittens right on the spot. "We've got to go above ground!" . Got that installed, got the old one out of the ground. Life is good. With the removal the county mandated soil tests 2 years after the tank is gone. Here comes the soil guys with their boring/testing machine. County inspector wants them to angle drill under my shop/switchroom to test. Soil guy does so DIRECTLY under one of my 3 transformer holding power poles at the county guy's insistence. Busy making blacktop we hear a loud CRACK and the plant stops instantly. Undermined the pole, pole drops, cross braces on the poles splinter, one phase breaks off the transformer on the plant side. County inspector flees the scene. Soil guy's boring bit is trapped under the pole. Took PG&E the rest of the day to extricate the boring machine. They were not happy, neither were we. Love those APCD guys :rofl: