Stop in for a cup of coffee

Done. Less than 10 minutes in there. Could have actually been half that, but...
We have 6 machines. They break us into 4 lines by alphabet. I am in A-F. I was about 6 in line. Several more coming in right behind me, almost all in same line. Total 11 in my line. 1 in next. Nobody in 3rd and one in last.:wtf: Then the guy in front of me signs his name in wrong spot and the official had to go ask somebody what to do with it. LOL
I haven't gone by to see how they're doing yet. In a few minutes.
Having people with experience and can use their brains is a plus.
Next division over from me may be a mess today. Some partisan kid thought he needed to be 'judge' and the very fair guy with experience was 'accidentally' not on the primary ballot (petition didn't get handed in). No one wants to work with the enthusiast know it all. So he gets to learn the hard way. Stupid. The party positions at the table are not about issues, its about checks and balances. idiot.