Computers and cad cam don't provide any knowledge of HOW to cast things, and do not cast ANYTHING. So that is not any big help... And you need a foundary..... it makes no sense to build one just for this small market size and so will likely contract it out.

Know how much engineers make these days? So, yes, money IS indeed an issue; anyone who knows product development knows this. (I worked in engineering development for 15 years so kinda know what it takes...my biggest project estimate was $38M.) The only way to lower those costs are to have the skills yourself and be willing to invest your own time for free, but that is speculative, and indeed costs your time when you could be doing other work that pays the bills. And you can't do that when it comes time to do pilot casting runs contracted with a foundry.... they won't do speculative work unless there is a big potential upside for them. So the idea that cost is not a factor is nonsensical.

So think of the costs and look at the market size and the potential return, and putting $$ into the MUCH larger Chevy and large Ford markets makes much more sense. Mopar stuff costs more for those exact reasons: to make a return on the small market requires higher prices.