:(And it helps to use a different color; I use blue, cuz it shows up real nice when I make it bold.
And you can use a larger type for emphasis, or red to make a point, and I save purple/lavender when I think I might be imparting important information. When I run out of colors. I go to green or in odd cases brown. The rest of the colors on that pallet kindof suck, suck, or suck, . You'll have to experiment a bit, to see the results, which you can preview after clicking on "more options". While you are there you can select one or more smilies or emoticons, that can help tell us how you really feel. Like these;
:drama::elmer::icon_fU: :mob: :realcrazy::rofl:
sorry, there's no; love, peace, joy, or I found Jesus :(
Hint, He's not in outer space screaming along at millions of miles an hour spinning in an endless spiral, trying to catch up to dying planet called Earth that appears to be infested with aliens and demons and evil spirits; :BangHead: that is total ...............................