Holy Smokes!!! It's Been Awhile!!!

Well Good Morning Everyone!

As it stands, it has been roughly 7 years since I have been able to even think about my project car. After enlisting into the Marine Corps in late 2013, I spent the next 5 years training and deploying which meant my 66 Valiant would have to sit patiently in a relative's shop until one day, one day, I could return to it. As most of you know, Uncle Sam does not make his service members millionaires, so parts and repairs would have to wait.

And now, here I am, back from overseas in one piece and out of the Corps. I have a new job and have settled in with the family in the Oklahoma City area. With a decent income established, it is long overdue that my baby gets the much-deserved attention she deserves (I almost teared up when I finally got logged back in here and saw the old pictures I had of when I first bought her).

So first and foremost, is there anyone out there reading this that is in the OKC area? Now that I am back in the place I love being I am chomping at the bit to meet some of you in person and take notes on how others have progressed in your projects. I am also not as car savvy as I would love to admit, so I would also love to have people I can bounce questions off of and collect tons of knowledge.

Having said all that, it is absolutely AWESOME being back in the Midwest and I am tickled pink I finally get to bring my baby home and get going!!! Take care y'all and can't wait to meet some of you!!!
