Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just worked on my wood chipper a little. Did not want to stay running and finally died last time I used it. Pulled carb off and cleaned a little bit of dirt out of the bowl. Got some cleaner through it and seems to run good now. Will find out, want to take down a small maple in my front yard soon. At least its a cheap fix if it still has problems. I see several places with the carb for sale online under $15. The dang air filter costs at least half that. :wtf:
Think I need to do same with my mower. It's been temperamental starting lately and its definitely a fuel issue...
Every time I went to use the sno-throw I'd have to spray some cleaner through the carb. PIA opening it up to do that each time.
A few years ago ran VP or Sunoco race fuel in it. No more problems. Try to do the same with the nieghbors leaf shredder chipper, but run the cheap seasonal stuff until it looks like we're about done. No point in wasting expensive fuel. Use the good the good stuff for storage. Doesn't turn the rubber lines to goo either.