Stop in for a cup of coffee

When it comes to a “job”
I have had many. Too many.
I have a hard time taking crap from people. Or perhaps thats how i deal with depression. I move on when i hit a dead end.
The one time i had a great job oppurtunity, Boss talked me into staying. I’d be ready for retirement about now.
I got royally screwed. So after i walked out,i never stopped looking for a better job.
This self employed thing, i enjoy it, as i have control of what happens. For the most part.
Today, a customer wasted a lot of my time,if i put a dollar amount, $150 would be it.
I moved on,and told customer to do the same.
Run me around, thats it. We done.
No backsies.
Small town is so much different than the big cities, no matter how crappy the service, theres 10 customers waiting.
Im busy, by reputation only. Not getting rich, but im not pissed off all day long..well most days.
My experience has been the opposite..we’ll sort of.

I left art school and started my own Auto Upholstery business back in the 80s. Built it from scratch and eventually had a shop with 6 guys working for me. Unfortunately, the seasonal nature of it plus being overexposed to fumes in body shops forced me to shut it all down and go into science instead.

I can’t complain too much, I have done quite well at it and some jobs have been far better than others. The bad ones were total disasters and most of those companies don’t exist anymore having failed massively.

My skills make me valuable and few in this business have them with 30 years of experience to back it up like I do.

I just don’t like working for arrogant fools that think they somehow know more than me because they either read a book, or talked to someone they think is an expert.

When I speak to the FDA, everyone in the room shuts up and listens...right up the the Director of the Division of the FDA. I have even seen her taking notes while I am speaking....and watched her chastise her own people for attempting to challenge me.

It doesn’t get any more expert than that.