Stop in for a cup of coffee

So many people love to micro-manage. Right down to telling someone how to put a fresh roll in the toilet paper holder.
So boss micro manages every aspect right to the bottom,so what is the point of chain of command?

My supervisor used to “look over my shoulder”
And say something along the line
Of “that not how i would have done it”
Then one day i asked “why the hell am i here?
If you think yours is the better way, should have mentioned it before i started.
He never said that again. To me anyway.
I'm lucky. I really like my job, my bosses and my coworkers. Sure things get stressful, but everyone gets along. Everyone has a big sense of humor, and no one back stabs. Truly a rare combination. My top boss is a retired Army Col, taught at West Point at the end of his career. But he's not a typical Colonel, more like that cool but knowledgeable First Sergeant. Rare for an officer. He's the one who pushed me to my MBA and talked the company into paying for it. I turned down an over making more than double my current salary just last month partially because of my current environment at work.