Stop in for a cup of coffee

you all arenot going to believe this... I'd left my lunch in the truck, so I went back out about half hour ago or so to get it, bumped into the security guard. She asked if I'd gotten my Jeep fixed. I was surprised because I'd not said anything to anyone about it, so I said no, and asked her how she knew it was broke. She goes "Oh, well when I went to lunch yesterday, I saw it with the hood up and thought you were working on something under the hood... I was dumbfounded, told her that I hadn't raised the hood on my Jeep yesterday at work. She was adamant that it was my jeep (i'm the only jeep in the parking lot with bright yellow KC lights. So we went inside, looked at the cameras... Guess what, sure enough about 1pm yesterday, someone raised the hood on my jeep, and started messing under the hood. on BOTH sides of the engine. So I called the police. Just got done filing a police report. Cop thinks that since my jeep was parked right next to the entrance to the lot, maybe someone was trying to steal the converters off my Jeep, guess its been happening alot lately, in BROAD daylight. I questioned that thinking as they could have just cut them off, not removed the manifold but then I realized that without dropping the skid plates, they cant get to them from underneath. But they could pull the manifold, and unbolt the dang converters right from the top. So tonight, I get to go home and do a full check under the hood and see what else is F-ed with.

Only you who have you pissed off that is getting his Karma back?:poke: