Offset shackles

tirely so, I had to dimple the frame a little and drill
Believe whatever you like, but there’s only a 1/2” of space between the front hangers and the frame rail. Unless you put the whole inside wall of the hanger inside the frame rail, it’s not a 3/4” offset.

The MP hangers require dimpling or cutting a hole in the rail to clear the nut welded on the hanger for the spring eye bolt, but it still doesn’t get you to 3/4” in the front. I used those hangers on my Duster, if you hold them up against the doctordiff hangers the offset is identical and it’s a 1/2”.

I guess u need to come look at and measure mine, I`m very glad u know more about how I installed them and what it took to get them in there than I do. As much diff. as there is in these old non computer designed cars, there could be light worlds of diff. in the bodies. But of course u know more about my car than I do !!
Where were u when I needed to buy all the parts for a total basket case !