How many near fatal accidents have you had?

Long ago I stuffed my A100 van head on into a telephone pole at about 35 to 40 mph. The headlights were pointing at each other after that. Since I was wearing my seatbelt I walked away from that. Without seatbelts, I probably would've been seriously injured or dead.

A few years later I was out late at night in my nearly new 74 B300 van and narrowly missed being hit head on. I was able to swerve out of the way at the last second and was merely sideswiped along the entire left side of the van.

Also around that time I was working at an auto parts store. One day I had to take their van to the parts warehouse and pick up a load of stuff. On the return trip someone turned left in front of me. I probably hit him going around 40 mph. All the parts in the back of the van ended up all over me. A box of brake shoes hit the radio and changed the channel. The bend portion of a tail pipe hit the back of my head. The end of another pipe punched a hole in the dash. That could've been the back of my head.