Prius driver.

The trend here in NC is to pull up in front of a gas station and park in the handicapped spot. I have seen someone squeeze into the ramp/space between two handicapped spots. It's always very young people, and it's based off a 100% sense of entitlement and lack of respect. It takes a lot for me to not make them meet the requirements to park there..

As far as Prius owners go, they aren't all bad. I have a neighbor who has a gen1 Prius. It's that horrible champagne color, dinged up, and looks generally tired. He never drives it and I asked him about it. He told me it has a bad head gasket and flat out not worth replacing the gasket. He paid the car off years ago, and I thought it was dumb to let it just sit and de-value......until I realized why he keeps it around. The engine has no problem idling, and can sit there and idle for days and days on one tank of gas, so this recent hurricane that came through, it was powering his house.