Last one to post in this thread wins!

Will do. It's not a big deal , if it's skin cancer they will just remove it. I have a buddy he gets it done quite often. Thanks for asking .

Absolutely, my brother gets looked at every 6 months and occasionally they will freeze a spot or 2 with nitrogen. The issue, as I understand it, is when you ignore it. I had a spot in my R lung in '06. It was indeed a place they could not biopsy. The Doc asked what I wanted him to do and I said "if I wasn't born with it take it out". He did, and after on the spot testing took half my R lung too. Turns out it was non-small cell carcinoma. I am a lucky fat man, still alive!

Mark, I know it's not easy but try to trust the doctors. Medicine has come a looooong way in C treatment!