Our best friends (four legged) 2018 shots

I just dont know how to break a dog of something he knows is wrong but still does it anyway.
Seems like the key is to catch them right as they are doing it. Whatever 'it' is, and then get them to stop or do something else and reward them (if they pay attention). Easier said than done! Timing is everything. Five minutes later they're doing something else and don't know what we're all pissed off about.
Sometimes the things we think they know, they understand differently.
One time I was working the election and my neighbor walked my dog. She knows him well and it was fine but she didn't seem to know 'heel'. Since she always listens to him well, and 'heel' is something she does well, we were puzzled. I said lets try it right here. He said heel, and my dog walked over and stood next to me! Her understanding of heel was to stand by me. When I wasn't there it didn't make sense to her.

