Stop in for a cup of coffee

I rarely use e-mail.
I have many customers that text,
Saves me having to answer phone calls when im up to my elbows in the parts washer.
The telephone customers, i can call back if they leave a message.
The biggest time killers are the drop-ins to make an appt or ask questions. An hour can disappear pretty quick.

I cant fathom 60,000 e-mails.
I get between 50-100 emails per day. In the last week, I have averaged 35 emails coming in between the time I left work and arrived home (1.5 hrs) which is typical when we are very busy.

I often spend 2-3 hours answering them after I get home from a full day in the office. Add in the evening conference calls 3 days a week and I put in 70-80 hours every week.

Now you can get an idea why I am so burned out...and have such a low tolerance for stupidity and inefficiency.

And also why my art is such a refuge. Making you guys smile with my creations is the highlight of my week...and worth far more to me than my paycheck.