Stop in for a cup of coffee

Technically I’m in both boats, I haven’t even gone to sleep yet but I’ve got a busy day ahead so I’m just gonna pretend I just woke up and trudge on through the day...

Man, this is gonna be interesting. Pulling a day without sleep wasn’t bad when I was teenager, now it sucks.

I cant do those 40 hour days anymore either used to close the bar down and a few hours later go to work. Them days are over!

I hear ya. Been there done that. In college, I worked full time third shift, 9pm to 6am, ROTC at 645-830, classes started at 9am and went until 3pm. I slept in my truck more than my apartment for those first 3 years. I can't do that stuff anymore. Found that out a couple months ago when I attempted a 17 hour drive thru the night, made it 13 hours before having to pull over and get a hotel at about 5 am in the morning